Zebra Crossing Ignored By Everyone in Indonesia, Reactions

Foreigner Almost Hit When Crossing Street in Indonesia

Zebra crossings are usually seen on busy streets where many pedestrians need to cross the road, and are meant as a guide for pedestrians to cross the streets safely. However, they’re pretty much ignored by virtually everyone in Indonesia, resulting in a traffic situation seen in the following video:

From YouTube:

Deer Crossing The Road

Motorcycles stop on Zebra Cross in Indonesia

Lots of Motorcycle at Street Intersection in Indonesia

Street Vendor Start to Sell Their Goods during Traffic Light

RIP Zebra Cross in Indonesia

No More Zebra Cross for Pedestrians in Indonesia

Comments from Kaskus:


[The traffic situation] is so different compared to other cities in developed countries.


Welcome To Indonesia! Haha…


Drivers will honk loudly if you cross the street using the zebra crossing!


Most drivers got their driver’s licenses through brokers [illegitimate channels], which is why they are not familiar with traffic laws.


There are a lot of people who jaywalk on the street these days too. =(


It’s not just zebra crossings but most traffic signs are pretty much useless in Indonesia. Except maybe the red traffic light!


There’s also no such thing as a sidewalk over here. =)


It’s because the police never issue traffic tickets, which is why no one abides by these rules.


Pedestrians don’t even look when they cross the streets.. They think they have too many lives!


All drivers are racers…!


Zebra crossings are only used as street decorations..


For most drivers, a zebra crossing is their starting line [for racing]. Haha…


Well. Even police are seen stopping on zebra crossings… =(

No More Zebra Crossing in Indonesia

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